Healing Poem to My Future Self

Oh ceaseless circadian struggle, repulsed by feigned cadence
With relationship layers like lingering nail polish
Chipping away from daily occasions, anxious peeling, personal growth
That impatient ache for solitude, a quiet thistled sunset, let the demons accumulate
Pool parties, day drinking, disposable income, dominos, cardio, chlorine, floaty toys
Walking in moccasins, delicate melanin, treacherous hecklers and counterfeit freckles
Superficial operations, mental health awareness, synthetic medicine, retail therapy
Plastic particulates corroding the ocean, degrees of paralysis, interactive maps
Hungry versus yummy, numbing, tussin, palm oil, pesticides, Palestine, body suits
Wedlock, trade school, part time partners compelled to cohabitate, unjust abundance
Plant trees, bet on 17, donate, volunteer, adopt, promote yard sales, shop local
Boycott boring bands but suffer thru soggy avocados
Conserve, collect, create, recycle footprints, make a contribution, profit, invest
Memes, wisdom, religion, social media’s opinion, mute click, self-righteous algorithms
Persistent ambition blinded by foresight, I wish I thought my mom was the greatest
Hang up and laugh, overreact, take it personal, obsess, point fingers
Spend hours in the lab rolling gourmet vegan rosewater truffles
Infinite guilt stricken frequencies ricochet former sheltered selfishness
Consume, multiply, continue their lineage, absorb resources, litter the landfill
Fresh rain, flooding, increased mold, vaccinate new designer diseases: exclusive flu shots
Dimes, nicklebags, double standards


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